
If we could micro-manage editors and users role more specific.

Aryan 3 years ago updated by Raphael 5 days ago 5

Give admins more control to manage the features of editors. Give them specific access to different functionality. For example, The editor can access the design tool and write content but not allow e-mail creating. If we could micro-manage editors and users role, it will be great.


fantastic to hear :)

Or open it even more with making it possible to define custom roles. Some sites do not need 4 different roles, but some might need 15 roles for different departments with fine-granular permissions set up.

For the easy set-up it would be good to have some pre-configured roles like it is now. But it should be possible to delete, rename, create new and change the permissions.

Sure, it is a complex task to construct a proper role and permissions management. But Webwave would be much more attractive to larger organizations with this feature. (especially if you manage to allow multiple simultaneous users some day: https://vote.webwave.me/communities/1/topics/83-multiple-simultaneous-editors)


We will definitely do this one